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Te Rito Harakeke - Marshland School

Pānui - Newsletter: Term 1 Week 6, 2025


Principal's Message

by Principal (Marshland School)

Education Outside the Classroom at Marshland School - Te Rito Harakeke

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A Fun-Filled Adventure in Healthy Living! - Kiwi (Year 0-1)

by Ann Gain

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Our Class in Numbers: A Fun Stats Adventure! - Kōtare (Year 2)

by Emma Jackson

What a lot of fun learning about each other through Statistics!

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Hub Visits Orana Park! - Pūkeko (Yr 3-4)

by Samantha Jones

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Orana Park Visit - Tūī (Year 3 -4)

by Courtney Milligan

Last Tuesday the Tūī hub visited Orana Park to inform our inquiry learning.

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Maths Meets Nutrition - Korimako (Year 5-6)

by Sheradyn Limmer

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Life Ed and the Human Body - Toroa (Year 7-8)

by Kellen Gillstrom

This week Life Education has parked itself outside Te Rito Harakeke - Marshland School to help take our Toroa learners on a tour of the inside of the human body.

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Sport at Marshland School

by Marcella Wood

We have had a busy start to sport at Te Rito Harakeke with Yr 5-8 Swimming sports, Triathlon and PALS leadership training all taking place in the first half of the term.

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Reporting Student Learning

by Paul Tyson

We know that many of our parents and whānau value face-to-face time with teachers during student learning conferences.

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Policies for Review

by Principal (Marshland School)

Marshland School - Te Rito Harakeke uses SchoolDocs to publish and review all school policies and procedures

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School Lunch Options

by Office (Admin)

Subway and Sushi lunches are available as school lunch options.

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What's Happening in our School Community?

by Office

Below you will find the latest news from local community groups, sports clubs and more.

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2025 Term Dates and Public Holidays

by Paul Tyson

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