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Tauranga Girls' College

He Karere Tūī - The Tui's Message

Ratū te tekau ma whā ō Hakihea
Tuesday 14 December 2021

Tuesday 14 December: NZQA exams finish
Thursday 16 - Saturday 18 December: Duke of Edinburgh Silver Expedition
Friday 17 December: Office closes for 2021

Wednesay 12 - Saturday 15 January: Duke of Edinburgh Gold Expedition
Monday 24 January: Office opens 8am
Wednesday 26-Thursday 27 January: 11am-4pm Course confirmation
Friday 28 January: Colleague Only Day, School closed
Monday 31 January: Auckland Anniversary
Tuesday 1 February: Colleague Only Day, School closed
Wednesday 02 February: Year 12 & 13 leadership workshops
Thursday 03 February: Pōwhiri for new staff and students, Year 9 students start
Friday 04 February: Whanaungatanga Programme for Year 9 students
Monday 07 February: Waitangi Day
Tuesday 08 February: Whole school attends


Junior Prize Giving Monday 13 December

by TGC

At our Junior Prizegiving on Monday 13 December we acknowledged the academic success of our Year 9 and Year 10 students. Students received awards for academic excellence and diligence. The top two students in each of our core learning classes were recognised.

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Tara Kanji, Tumuaki / Principal

Principal's Pānui

by Principal

We made it!

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Artist's impression of the gallery space on the ground floor

Bigger than J Block

by TGC

It has been a number of years since Minister Chris Hipkins announced TGC were to receive $6m for the remediation of J Block for earthquake strengthening and weather tightness.

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Interclass Technology Challenge

by TGC

All Year 9 learning classes have been working on their COLLABORATION, CREATIVITY and CRITICAL THINKING by undertaking various technology challenges.

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Fabulous Creations in Materials Technology - Product Design & Construction

by TGC

The technology students have been kept busy in 2021, here are a few highlights.

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Tara Kanji walking the plank

Priority One Principals' Day Out

by TGC

Principal | Tumuaki Tara Kanji joined other Secondary School Principals at the annual Principals’ Day Out event organised and hosted by INSTEP Priority One.

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Office Hours 2022

by TGC

The school office will re-open from 24 January 2022 from 8am - 4pm, however will be closed all day on our Colleague Only Day 28 January 2022.

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Brianna, Tori, Briana and Charlie

Junior TGC Tennis Championship

by Sport

The day for our Junior TGC Tennis championship started off with blue skies and sunshine! We had 26 of our finest Year 9 and 10 social tennis players participating.

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‘Q Awards’ Tauranga Girls’ College Winners

by TGC

The Q Awards came about when Tauranga based digital design agency Quentosity decided it wanted to do something to help our next generation of designers. The hope is that the Q Awards will stimulate the next generation of youth looking for employment in the Design industry, and will give them the opportunity for real life work experience within a commercial environment.

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Senior Art Folio Boards

by Art

Wow what a year 2021 has been! We are so proud of all our Art students.

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Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians NZ Groups’ Future Leaders Challenge

by TGC

Congratulations to Year 10 student Shefaa Swailam who was announced as one of the winners of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians NZ Groups’ Future Leaders Challenge!

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BOP Women's Interprovincial Golf team

by TGC

Congratulations to Tania Ellis, Year 10 (WMCT) for her selection to the BOP Women's Interprovincial team.

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Employment Opportunity

by TGC Canteen

Catering Assistant required for the Tauranga Girls' College Canteen

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Taimana Randall and Briana McNaughten

Bay of Plenty Beach Volleyball Championships

by Sport

On Wednesday 17 November we had a team representing TGC at the Bay of Plenty Beach Volleyball Championships.

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12th New Zealand Chinese Calligraphy Competition

by TGC

Heartfelt congratulations to the students who were awarded certificates in the 12th New Zealand Chinese Calligraphy Competition 2021. 恭贺她们在2021年第十二届新西兰中国书法比赛中获奖

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Inaugural Award - Blue Lagoon Hearing Trust

by TGC

The Blue Lagoon Hearing Trust has sponsored a new award to be presented for the first time at the Tauranga Girls' College prize giving celebrations this year.

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