Principal's Message
Kia ora parents, caregivers and whanau
Visit this articleSeptember
Weds 3 - NZ to Level 3.
Mon 13 - 17 Maori Language Week
Tues 21 - ADV201 Rock Climbing Trip #1
Weds 22 - ADV201 Rock Climbing Trip #2
Thurs 23 - ADV201 Rock Climbing Trip #3
- Blood Drive - Hall
Fri 24 - Year 10 English Students Hall P4/5
Mon 27 - Fri Oct 1 - Sen Practice Exam Week
Tues 28 - EPro8 Science Tawa Col
Weds 29 - Upper Hutt Cultural Festival TBA
Fri 1 - Last Day Term 3
Sat 2 - School Holidays Begin
Sat 9 - Rarotongan Festival - Multicultural Group
Mon 18 - Term 4 Begins
Thurs 21 - Sports & Cultural Prizegiving P4
Tues 26 - 29 Senior Dance Repertoire
Tues 2 - 5 - Year 11 Production
Mon 15 - 19 - Senior Tutorials Begin
Weds 17 - Senior Prizegiving - Lane Park Church
Mon 22 - NZQA Exams begin
Weds 1 - MOE Teacher Only Day
Fri 3 - Leavers' Dinner
Tues 14 - NZQA Exams Final Day
- Year 9 and 10 Prizegivings
- Final Day 2021. Holidays begin.
Just before lockdown we held the annual house competition Olympics of the Mind.
Visit this articleAs New Zealand and the Wellington Region were thrust into a second Level 4 Lockdown in as many years - there was plenty happening in the wider Upper Hutt College community.
Visit this articleGiven that NZ has gone into lockdown a number of key dates for the remainder of the year have changed.
Visit this articleWinter sport has come to an abrupt halt at the wrong time for many of the UHC sports teams - as they close on various titles. Sports Activator Chris Campbell gives us the run down.
Visit this articleThe ADV301 class has been desperate to venture out and test their climbing skills but had their tip delayed three times due to weather. Fortunately, the weather finally played ball this term and students enjoyed a stunning day of climbing.
Visit this articleThis year the Duke of Edinburgh programme has restarted at UHC, with 20 students taking part in the Bronze Award unit. Teacher Philip Carew tells us about the latest challenge.
Visit this articleUHC students Stacey Duncan, Mei von Keisenberg, and RJ von Keisenberg have come away with a plethora of awards at the Hutt Valley Performing Arts Competition including a number of 1st placings.
Visit this articleWe celebrated our annual Culture Week in week 3 of this term. Staff and students got involved in a range of activities celebrating the school's diverse cultural community.
Visit this articleYear 12 and 13 Textiles students had the pleasure of visiting fashion stylist Chloe Hill and receive feedback on some of their current masterpieces. Textile teacher Kerry Reddy tells us about the trip to Petone.
Visit this articleHIS101 students have ventured to the Royal NZ Police College in Porirua to hear about what it was like for police during the controvesial 1981 tour. Teacher Julie Sayers reports on the insightful trip.
Visit this articleVeganism is an ever-growing way of living and FON201 students have been exploring it. Teacher Carolyn Hamer explains what has been happening, as well providing links to some yummy recipes to try at home.
Visit this articleDuring the holidays Guidance staff member AJ Picard took an enthusiastic bunch of students to the Blue Mountain Adventure Camp. AJ tells us what happened.
Visit this articleFor some students, the lockdowns can be a time of considerable mental distress. Any student that is struggling or parents that are concerned can contact our Head of Guidance Sue Mortimer on to seek further help.
Visit this articleUHC Year 11 students hosted representative from Youthtown, who have been promoting their idea of a new youth space in Upper Hutt. Student Grace Tilley tells us what they discussed.
Visit this articleUpper Hutt College students have successfuly competed with other students in the region at the Wellington Japanese Speech Competition. Japanese teacher Nobuko Watanabe shares about the successful event.
Visit this articleFollowing some vandalism to our original defibrillator, the school has a new one.
Visit this articleInvited students in Year 11 who had excellent reports from last term were celebrated.
Visit this articleYear 10 FOT students have been busy having fun serving cold drinks in the foods room cafe.
Visit this articleThe Medical Research Institute of New Zealand is looking for participants to take part in a study to help find the best inhaler for young people who require one.
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