Waihī Beach School Newsletter - Term 2 2024 | Week 2

Pink Shirt Day

Pink shirt day is a special day when we wear pink to show that we don’t accept bullying.
by Rachael Coll

Wear PINK on Friday to show support!

Image by: Rachael Coll

Disco this Friday!

Wahoo – it’s the first disco of the year! Let's get down... Neon theme – dress bright and bold!
by Rachael Coll

$3 for entry + bag of lollies. Please pay in advance at the office. 

Why pay in advance? Because it’s takes foooorever to line up, take money and sign in. Spot prizes given to tamariki who pay before the day!

Neon theme – dress bright and bold!

American hotdogs, lollies, baking and juice available on the night. Plus neon face painting this year. Bring some pocket money.

Parent help is needed PLEASE!!  Please check HERO and comment as to how you can help... 

Image by: Rachael Coll