Regular Attendance @ school
Our kaiako | teachers ensure that targeted lessons are planned for their learners, and regular attendance is critical to ensuring that all tamariki access the teaching and learning that they need.
Regular attendance at school ensures your child has the best learning opportunities and social interactions. By attending every day possible, consistency is maintained, learning output is ensured and opportunities maximised to build on previous learning. Attendance is when children are at school and in the class they are supposed to be in.
Below are some things that you can do which help.
- It is your responsibility to get your child to school – if transport is hard for you, talk to us. There is support available in our area.
- Talk to your child about how school is important for their future, and how it is important to go every day. Be positive about school!
- Make sure your child knows that you care if they are going to school.
- Only take your child out of school when there is a really good reason, like if they are sick.
- Have a consistent morning routine, not too rushed.
- Help your child to be prepared for school.
- Arrive at school between 8.00-8.30am (not right on bell time), so your child can connect with classmates and transition into the morning.
What parents and whānau do, can have a big impact on their child’s attendance. Parents who are comfortable with their child missing a week or more of school per term are more than twice as likely to have a child who doesn’t regularly attend school.