Waihī Beach School Newsletter - Term 2 2024 | Week 2

Combined Choir

KOTAHITANGA | Unity - so heartening to see all of our kura together to perform as a roopu. Super proud of Erueti who auditioned for a lead vocal part too, Karawhiua e hoa!
by Rachael Coll

"Seven Schools Sing" Our choir had their first combined practice at Waihi College - and WOW!!! How wonderful to hear these keen students get together to make beautiful music. Save the date for their evening concert at Waihi College: Wednesday 26 June, 5:30pm. Ticket details will be available soon. In Term 1, year 5-8 students from kura across Waihi started practicing in satellite groups. Today's combined practice is a big milestone. Waihi Kahui Ako is proud to provide this opportunity for students who love to sing, and funding from Creatives in Schools means we were able to secure the help of the wonderful Roshan Tuivavalagi. 

We will be taking our senior school to watch the Choir to perform and exose our tamariki to the potential and power of song. You won't want to miss their performance!

Beach School Cross Country results

Congratulations to all our tamariki who ran in our Beach School Cross Country!
by Rachael Coll

We will take the top 7 qualifiers in each year group to Waihi Schools' Cross Country on Tuesday 21st May at Morgan Park. 

Here are the top place getters in each year group:

Year 1 Tama | Boys

  1. Ollie C
  2. Kayden B
  3. Nixen S
  4. Beau P
  5. Kahn M
  6. Zac L
  7. Raphe C

Year 1 Kotiro | Girls

  1. Kaea T-K
  2. Gaia A
  3. Madi A
  4. Sylvie T
  5. Phoebe L
  6. Isla F
  7. Mila B

Year 2 Tama | Boys

  1. Beau R
  2. Callum S
  3. Theo P
  4. Hendrix M
  5. Inia A

Year 2 Kotiro | Girls

  1. Charlie J
  2. Kyra T
  3. Edie M
  4. Andi J
  5. Arna R
  6. Tatum C
  7. Avery P

Year 3 Tama | Boys

  1. Riley M
  2. Azah P
  3. Niko W
  4. Jackson S
  5. Locky L
  6. Lachie P
  7. Tiare M

Year 3 Kotiro | Girls

  1. Ayva B
  2. Sammy W
  3. Eve K
  4. Nadia E
  5. Stella T
  6. Skylar L
  7. Layla W

Year 4 Tama | Boys

  1. Archie H
  2. Archy-Haa SM
  3. Oliver S
  4. Tyler C
  5. Oscar L
  6. Cooper P
  7. Dylan H

Year 4 Kotiro | Girls

  1. Rio C
  2. Zoey M
  3. Izzy S-N
  4. Emme A
  5. Pippa M
  6. Mahalia A
  7. Kyla B

Year 5 Tama | Boys

  1. Walker C
  2. Max Mc
  3. Quinn B
  4. Dax M
  5. Billy C
  6. Nixon M
  7. Finn M

Year 5 Kotiro | Girls

  1. Addison W
  2. Sandy-Queyness S-M
  3. Elise M
  4. Ella F
  5. Brooke C
  6. Ruby F

Year 6 Tama | Boys

  1. Kahu A
  2. Reed L
  3. Jordan B
  4. Jacob T
  5. Finley C
  6. Cruz P
  7. Eli F

Year 6 Kotiro | Girls

  1. Ali S
  2. Frankie-Lee C
  3. Indi S
  4. Emmy L
  5. Sophie O
  6. Ayla M