Kia ora whānau,
Multiple cases of Chickenpox have been reported at school over the last couple of weeks. Please be vigilant and keep your tamaiti (child) home if you notice any spots.
The following information is for your reference.
Chickenpox is caused by a virus and is spread from person to person through the air by infected people when they sneeze or cough, and by touching the chickenpox blisters then touching objects or other people.
The illness starts 10–21 days after being exposed. Fever and small blisters/spots/lesions (like a rash) can appear first on the head and then spread to the body. Other symptoms include tiredness, general aches and pains and loss of appetite.
A person with Chickenpox is considered contagious for 1 to 2 days prior to the onset of the rash/spots and for about 5 days after the rash appears. When all the blisters have scabbed over, with no new lesions/blisters/spots occurring, the child may return to school.
Consult your physician with any additional questions and concerns. If your child has/contracts Chickenpox, please notify the school.