Waimate High School Newsletter

Student Driver Licence Support!

The Mayor's Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) is a nationwide network of New Zealand’s Mayors, working together towards the vision of all young people 16-24 engaged in employment, education, training, or other positive activity in their communities.
by Cathy Shearer

If you are able to go for your Learner's, Restricted or Full Licence, then Lisa Dobson, the Employment Coordinator with the Waimate Mayor's Taskforce for Jobs, can help you. Lisa can also assist with driving lessons and defensive driving courses. 


Class 1

MTFJ can support you with funding for your learner's licence, driving lessons, restricted licence, defensive driving courses or full licence.

There is a free interactive road code and driver training available at https://drive.govt.nz/

Class 2-5

MTFJ can also help with Classes 2-5 including study support, licence fees and driving courses.


From time to time MTFJ will hold a Defensive Driving course in Waimate. 

NEXT COURSE: planned for March/April 2024.

You will need to be available for all four evenings and a drive will be arranged after the theory sessions. Please email Lisa to register at lisa.dobson@waimatedc.govt.nz

Priority will be given to those on their Restricted Licence but you can participate on your Learner Licence if you have had some driving experience.

Contact Lisa via email lisa.dobson@waimatedc.govt.nz or phone/text 027 257 8578.