Waimate High School Newsletter

Future Leaders Academy - Student Leaders Programme

by Cathy Shearer

Future Leaders Academy delivers high school leadership courses across the Pacific Islands, during school holidays. Courses are attended by year 12 and 13 student leaders, and those aspiring to be. Each course has participants from across NZ, and equivalent years from Australia, and the local Pacific Island schools. The aim of the programme is to; build strong connections with our next generation of young leaders across the Pacific region, increase cultural understanding and inclusiveness, and to develop leadership skills through experiential learning. 

Developing our young leaders with transferable leadership skills, and the confidence to lead well within their school and post school environments, is the vision for Future Leaders Academy. The unique and culturally rich courses are described by students as “the best week of their lives”, “an amazing way to make friends for life”. Each course includes activities exploring environmental, business, humanitarian, outdoors, youth, cultural insights, community projects, and other issues. Students get the chance to lead their groups multiple times during the week. Courses also tick the box for gold Duke of Edinburgh Award - Residential Projects.

Check out this recorded webinar and the website for further information, including info on how to apply. 

Online Safety & Snapchat

Over the coming weeks we will continue to provide helpful tools, resources and tips around supporting your child with online safety. Snap Chat this week!
by Kellie Tagiaia

With the advancement in technology and students living in a much more automated and technology rich environment we think it is important to share some helpful tools and tips for parents that might help  supporting and keeping safe your child online. 

Attached this week is a helpful document around Snapchat, and reminder about Tik Tok, with great advice for parents around keeping your child safe on this platform. It highlights key things for parents around the age limit of the platform, privacy controls and settings, reporting/blocking and family pairing. Also attached is a PDF Fact Guide. Keep an eye out in further newsletters for more of these in relation to various apps and programs. Next week will have key information around advice and guidelines for more help.

Image by: Kellie Tagiaia

Reminders about TIK TOK

Image by: Kellie Tagiaia
