Wellington College Newsletter 8 March 2024

Spotlight on Languages

This week we have been celebrating Languages week.
    by Guy Mance

On Monday at our Assembly it was great to hear a large number of students introduce themselves in their language. Wellington College is a linguistically diverse community. Here is a list of some of the languages that are spoken: Te Reo Māori, English, New Zealand Sign Language, Afrikaans, Arabic, Cantonese, Catalan, Cook Island Māori, Eritrean, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Gujarati, Hawaiian, Hindi, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malayalam, Mandarin, Mongolian, Nepalese, Niuean, Portuguese, Rotoman, Russian, Samoan, Sinhala, Somali, Spanish, Sri Lankan (Tamil), Tagalog, Thai, Tokelauan.

Dr Anita Perkins, a research consultant, was our guest speaker. She talked about her journey with languages both professionally and personally. Speaking another languages allows you to step into other cultures and see the world through a different lens. 

On Wednesday we had our languages quiz and on Friday we held the ever popular Languages Food Fair. Our Y11 German students have been reading books in German and our Y10 Spanish students have been learning about Picasso. Have a look at the photos.