Staff bio: Rachael Paterson
Kiara Aboleda - November 1, 2023
Ko Rachael toku ingoaKo Paterson toku ingoa whanauKo Bernard toku papaKo Robin toku whaeaKo Mark toku taneKo Ella, raua ko Molly, raua ko Lucy taku tamarikiNo Cust ahauKo Rakahuri te awaKo Maungatere te maungaHe pakeha ahauHe waka eke noa
No reira tena kotou, tena kotou, tena kotou katoa.
I am currently working in Te Ngahere and I have been working at Woodend school for 18 years.
3 things I like to do outside of school are scrapbooking, going out with friends and gardening.
My favourite part of being a teacher is watching the students achieve their own goals.
Some of my favourite things are the colour pink, Chocolate and coffee plus my favourite animal is sheep.
I hope you learnt more about Rachael!!!
By Kiara