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by Mike Crawford

2023 Woodend School Board of Trustees

Chris Bucknell - February 27, 2023

Boards of trustees play a critical role, in partnership with their Principal, in ensuring all students irrespective of background succeed.

Our current board consists of:  Mark Paterson - Presiding Chair, Felicity Johnson - Vice President, Ryan Jory, Teela Cleghorn, John McPhail and Mike Sands who are our parent representatives along with Andrew Retallick  Principal, Brenda Fordyce Staff Rep and Chris Bucknell Secretary.

The board meet regularly in the staffroom and meeting times and dates are advised publicly in our newsletters.  The ratified minutes of the meetings will be as an attachment on this page for you to view.  Remember that these minutes will always be a meeting behind  as they need to be ratified at the next meeting before making them public.

Our Woodend School Charter / Annual Plan for 2023 is also attached for your information.  This was adopted by board members at our February meeting.