Learning Day
Andrew Retallick - July 26, 2023
It is important to have students on time and ready to start their learning. Below is our learning timetable.
8.30am: Students may enter the school grounds
8.55am: Welcome to School bell
9.00am: Learning Block 1- Literacy or numeracy
10.20am: Morning Connect Break (Play)
10.40am: Morning Kai Connect (Eat)
10.50am: Learning Block 2- Literacy or numeracy
11.45am: Team Woodend Workout/Fitness (followed by fruit and water)
12.00pm: Learning Block 3- Literacy or numeracy
12.50pm: Lunch Connect break (Play)
1.25pm: Kai Lunch Connect (Eat)
1.40pm: Learning Block 4- Connected Curriculum
3.00pm: End of Day
3.15pm: Clearing bell - all students must leave whilst Road Patroller are still on. Students may re enter the school grounds for play. Parents responsible for their own children.