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Mike Crawford - February 15, 2024

We welcome all applications for enrolment. Read this information for how to enrol.

Please fill out the preliminary online enrolment form if you are in the school zone using the link below. Once the school office receives your enrolment the school will make contact with you. NOTE: If you live in our school zone your child automatically has a place at Woodend.

Out of Zone: If you do not live in our school zone an application for an out of zone place may be considered depending on the child's priority status, the number of available places and consideration of year level, class size etc. An out of zone enrolment application must be completed to be eligible to be in a ballot. These can be filled in at the school office. A ballot occurs at set times during the year and information about this will be given to you at the time of the out of zone application.

As set out by the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the Woodend School Board of Trustees we have a zone; the boundaries of which are:

Due west from the coast line to Lees Road, Right into the Main North Road, Left into Pa Road, Right into Greens Road, Right into Tuahiwi Road, Left into Rangiora Woodend Road up to Golf Links Road and back, then Left into Gressons Road, Right into the paper Road connecting Wards Road, Left up the North Road to Preeces Road (south side only) and from the Kaiapoha Road corner due East to the coastline.
To view our school zone, follow this link.

If you have any further queries about either in zone or out of zone enrolments please phone the office on 03 3127808 or email and we will respond.

For enrolling at Woodend online you can do the preliminary enrolment form using this link