Staff Bio: Miss Caitlin Loose
Rebecca Ross - October 29, 2023
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Maukatere te maunga
Ko Waimakariri te awa
Nō Ōtautahi ahau
Kei Woodend tōku kāinga ināianei
Ko Loose tōku ingoa whānau
Ko Brent tōku matua
Ko Natalie tōku whāea
Ko Alicia tōku teina
Ko Caitlin tōku ingoa
Nō reira, tēna koutou, tēna koutou, tēna koutou katoa
How long have you worked at Woodend School and what team are you in now?
I started Working at Woodend in 2018 and I am currently in Te Ngahere, But as a child I went here for all 8 years of my primary schooling.
What are 3 things you like to do outside of school?
Outside of school I love to play sports, travel and hang out with my friends and family.
What is your favourite part of being a teacher?
My favourite Part of being a teacher is creating awesome connections with my students, seeing them reach their true potential and having fun along the way.
What are your Favourites?
My favourite food is cheese
My favourite drink is coffee
My favourite tv show is Grey's Anatomy
My favourite movie is the 4th Harry Potter movie (The Goblet of Fire)
And My favourite colour is green
We hope this helps you get to know more about our very own Miss Loose, and thank you for reading.