Principal's Pinnacles
Read on to hear about 'high points' from my week amidst Columba's hive of activity...
Visit this articleRead on to hear about 'high points' from my week amidst Columba's hive of activity...
Visit this articleIn a display of unity and vibrancy, our boarding students in Years 10 to 13 gathered yesterday evening to celebrate our boarding leavers.
Visit this articleRescheduled for: Sunday 29th October, starting at 11am
Visit this articleThe Otago Hockey Association is offering some exciting clinics for any student interested in becoming a Hockey Goal Keeper, or extending their Goal Keeping Skills. Please read below to find out more details.
Visit this articleIt is with immense pride that we celebrate the success of an exceptional young Columba College student who has risen to great heights in the competitive world of gymnastics!
Visit this articleA fully packed audience in the Caroline Freeman Theatre was treated to an excellent rendition of the William Golding story, Lord of the Flies on Wednesday morning.
Visit this articleThis term the Year 6 class are experimenting with Makey Makey, a circuit board that you plug into your computer and it acts like a keyboard. Each metal pad that you see on the Makey Makey is a conductive touch pad.
Visit this articleWelcoming all current and new members to the Columba College Parents' Association.
Visit this articleIn Columba tradition, Years 5 and 6 headed off to Berwick Lodge for their much anticipated Camp.
Visit this articleThis term we welcomed Chuchu Bakehouse to sell patisseries to Year 7 - 8 students learning French.
Visit this articleIt's hard to believe how fast term four is flying by. Soon we will be thinking about Christmas stories for the Junior School and quiet study for our seniors. In the meantime we are busy reviewing reports, planning end of year tasks and preparing for 2024.
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