Connect Magazine - Term 3 2023

Spiritual Formation at KingsWay School

I often comment tongue in cheek to prospective parents that our students do not grow angelic wings when entering our gates. Furthermore, they don't all leave us spiritually mature, and some sadly choose not to journey with Christ when they leave.

Nevertheless, I firmly believe that KingsWay staff are called to join the church and parents in the quest to encourage students' spiritual formation. Suppose we are to authentically offer Christian education that speaks to students' symbolic head, heart and hands. In that case, we must move beyond an overreliance on Biblical Studies and devotions. So how do we do this? Richard Edlin proposes five essential characteristics of a Christian school, which we have adapted at KingsWay:

  • The Centrality of the Bible
    The Bible, God's written Word, is preeminent in the life of the Christian. Divinely inspired and inerrant, it is authoritative for all of life, including the life of the Christian School.
  • The Importance of Parents
    God has given parents the primary responsibility for the nurture of their children. KingsWay School partners with parents to assist them in carrying out its responsibility.
  • Nurture at KingsWay
    Children are gifted image bearers, but they are impacted by the Fall and need redemption in Christ. The school should help them discover God's peace and purpose for themselves and their world as stewards responsible to Him.
  • Biblical Worldview
    Education is never neutral. KingsWay will ensure that students learn about the world and their place and tasks in it from the perspective of a biblical worldview.
  • Responsive Discipleship at KingsWay
    Christian education does not promote personal growth. It equips young people to share God's dynamic message of hope and peace in Christ in every vocation and activity to a lost and forlorn generation.
  • The Importance of Teachers
    Christian schools will fall without teachers who clearly understand, teach and live from a radical biblical worldview. Schools need to offer their teachers sustained, biblically authentic professional development.

I trust that you continue to pray and partner with us as we navigate the spiritual formation of more than 1700 students. I also want to thank all parents who faithfully pay their special character donations. Without your support, we could not offer a fraction of what we do in spiritual formation.

God bless,

Graeme Büdler
Executive Principal