Te Reo Māori Months of the Year and Days of the Week
After seeking advice from several sources throughout Aotearoa and watching this video (from 50 minutes onwards) I have learned why we should be using the transliterations rather than the 'traditional' Māori words.
For the days of the week the 'traditional' Māori words are not actually traditional. The Māori Commision created these words in the nineties.
The traditional names for the months of the year are from Māori culture but they do not directly correlate to our months of the year. They follow a lunar pattern that is different to our months.
So in order to respect the Māori calendar at Ngā Puna Tapuwai we will use the days of the week: Mane, Turei, Wenerei, Taite, Paraire, Hatarei, Rātapu. These were the names created by Māori, when the early ancestors arrived, to correlate to the English days of the week.
The months of the year that we will use are:
January - Hanuere
February - Pēpuere
March - Maehe
April - Āperira
May - Mei
June - Hune
July - Hūrae
August - Ākuhata
September - Hepetma
October - Ōketopa
November - Noema
December - Tīhema
These names correlate with our months of the year rather than the luna Māori months.
You will begin to see posters around the school using these words from next week.
nga mihi