Newsletter - 30th July 2020

A FABULOUS start to Term 3

We have had a great start to the term with loads of exciting opportunities for the children to participate in.
    by Laura Della Bosca

It has been great to see everyone coming and going over the last couple of days with our Ako (Learning) Conferences.  It is always lovely to hear about the successes of our tamariki and the progress they have made.  Please make sure that you read the article in this newsletter about how to access Hero, as this will enable you to keep up to date with your child's learning - especially the next steps that they are focussing on in core curriculum areas.  

The weather held off so we could run our Year 0-4 cross country last week.  Some of the children represented us at Avonhead School this week, and some Year 1-2 children will be joining them to run at Hillview next week. Good luck team!

Our Mihi Whakatau last Friday was another fabulous event - we welcomed all of our new families from the last two terms, again it was lovely to see so many of you there.  

It was the first week of Winter Sport last week for all of our Year 5-8 children.  Thank you to those parents who have committed to coaching a team, we value the time you have given up for this.  We have a shorter 6 week season this year and would love to see you there on the sideline positively supporting our teams.

Last but not least, please make sure that you check out the important dates notice that went out last week so you don't miss any of the great school events that are happening this term.