Thursday 13 May: Lower and Upper School Day Organisation
Partnership hui will be running from 9am – 5:40 pm, with kaiako meeting whānau during this time.
Visit this articleA Reminder from your PTFA
A heads up to put your funding proposals in for the PTFA’s second (and final for 2021) funding proposal round.
Visit this articleUpcoming Events at Raphael House from 7 May
2021 Term 2 Partnership Hui
Wednesday 12 May (afternoon) and Thursday 13 May (all day)
Visit this articleCommunity Consultation Te Reo
I’d like to extend an invitation to those who would like to hear about our Te Reo program, share compliments and / or suggestions.
Visit this articleSPCA fundraiser
Community Swimming and Lifesaving Club
Friday nights, 7-8.30pm during term time Stokes Valley Pool Super affordable at $50 per term per person • Swimming lessons • Lifesaving lessons and qualifications • Lane swimming for adults • Supervision for littlies in the water Nau mai, haere mai! Come and join us! Contact
Visit this articlePounamu found
This beautiful piece was handed into the Office at the end of last term. If it is yours, please do collect from Marcelly.
Visit this articleParent to Parent Lower Hutt Support Group
For parents and caregivers of children with any disability or health impairment.
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