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Tauranga Girls' College

He Karere Tūī - The Tui's Message

Rāmere te tuawaru ō Paengawhāwhā

Friday 08 April, 2022

Wednesday 13 April - Colleague Only Day, Kura CLOSED 

SCHOOL HOLIDAY DATES:  Monday 19 April to Friday 29 April
First day of Term 2: Monday 02 May 2022


The relocatable classrooms are arriving!

by Property

After the long process of scoping the upgrade of J Block and working towards a final design, the first tangible signs of the J Block refurbishment have started, with the piles marking the locations of our temporary classrooms.

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Artist of the Week

by Ireland Bourne

Directionless PHOTOGRAPHIC SERIES by Ireland Bourne - 12 Photography

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by TGC

Tēnā koutou whānau, parents, students and friends

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Meet the Guidance Team

by TGC

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Kāhui Ako - Progress we're making

by Kāhui Ako

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Bay of Plenty Regional Debating Tournament

by TGC Debating

On Saturday 26 March, Tauranga Girls’ College had nine teams competing in the Bay of Plenty Regional Debating Tournament.

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Featured Artist

by Art

Year 10 Ngā Toi Collaborative Whanaungatanga Design 2022 by Year 10 Ngā Toi

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Ever thought of hosting an International Student in your home?

by TGC

We are still looking for two host families for German students that are arriving in Term 3.

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by Sports

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by Sports

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Riley Andrew has just been selected to trial for the U18 North Island Rowing crew!

by TGC

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by Sports

We had two teams compete in the Rogaine Challenge on Thursday 31 March.

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NZSS Open Water Swimming Champs

by Sports

On Saturday 02 April we had seven girls compete in the New Zealand Secondary School Open Water Swimming Championships held at the Mount.

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Dune Rehabilitation

by Hunter Ririnui

Last week eighteen TGC students participated in the Students 4 the Environment Dune rehabilitation event on Sunday 27 March.

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Futures Academy and Gateway students

by Gateway

Term 1 is coming to a close, and we have had a number of Year 12 students who have been out on their Futures Academy placements at Toi Ohomai, Yoobee, Pacific Coast Technical Institute and Employ NZ.

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Tertiary Information Sessions

by Careers

Due to COVID conditions the university first round presentations have mostly been via Zoom or Webinar.

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TGC - Powers Up

by TGC

At Tauranga Girls’ College we promote and value the giving of service and contributing to the school and wider community.

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KAMAR Parent Portal

by TGC

As a parent/caregiver you are able to access, via the school website, information for your young person in real time via the KAMAR Home Portal.

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Are you wanting to take your young person for holidays during term time?

by TGC

Please email all requests to have your young person absent during term time to

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Additional security at the school

by Principal

This week security cameras have been installed around the school.

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Immediate online positive parenting support offered to all families in Aotearoa

by TGC

To support mental health, resilience and emotional wellbeing for our tamariki and rangatahi, Ministry of Health are partnering with Whāraurau to offer free online versions of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® across the country.

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Let's Roll Coaching

by TGC

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