Term 4 Week 2 Newsletter

From the Principal's Desk

Tēnā koutou

Yay, the forecast has improved so we are looking forward to a fantastic Pet Day tomorrow. Thank you to Lynda Bayne who is the co-ordinator of this event and works tirelessly to put together a fun-filled day for everyone. Thank you to those who have responded to Lynda's requests for help.

For your information and safety I have included a copy of our Risk Assessment and Supervision plan below. If you are volunteering in any capacity please make yourself familiar with its contents.

Our next event this term is Athletics Day. You will find articles in this weeks newsletter. Please read the article that relates to the age of your child.

Term 4 Home Learning

A reminder that for those families who would like their child to do extra home learning (homework) during the week that these self-directed task boards can be found here on our website. These task boards are updated termly for children to explore and pick and choose from.

Enjoy the long weekend. Looks like gardening may be off the to-do list! Remember that Tuesday is Teachers Only Day, so we will see everyone back on Wednesday.

Ngā manaakitanga
