Term 4 Week 2 Newsletter

Dog Safety Education Visit

On Tuesday, Roz and Dust came to visit us at school. They came to teach us about dog safety - what to do and what not to do when you meet a dog.

We learnt, that it is not good to do the following things when you meet a new dog:

  • Stare them in the eyes - they may think you want to fight!

  • Don’t pat them straight away without asking

  • Don’t pat them on the top of their head, because it means that you are the ‘boss dog’

  • If a dog comes running at you, stay still and don’t look them in the eye

  • Don’t pull their tail

  • Don’t try to pull anything out of the dog's mouth or interrupt them when they are eating

A dog can smell if you are scared. If you are scared or nervous, it is better not to pat them.

Good things to do:

  • Ask the owner if you can pat them

  • Pat the dog nicely on their back or under their chin

  • Hold your hand out in front of their nose so that they can sniff it

We also learnt that if you are out walking your dog, and they do a ‘number 2’, if you don’t pick it up, you can be fined $350!!

Dust was very funny - Roz kept calling him lazy because he kept falling asleep! He did show us a trick - he could sing! Arooooo!

We enjoyed meeting Roz and Dust and thank them for teaching us about Dog Safety.

By Room 7

Also attached a photo of Room 6 with their dog & instructor.