Term 4 Week 2 Newsletter

What's New in Room 2?

It has been great having Teddy join our class this term and George has had his very first school visit today. Welcome to Room 2 boys.

On Friday Max (our dearly loved monkey) turned 3. Max goes home with a different child every weekend and gets to do the most amazing things. Mrs Bayne is often quite jealous of his weekends when she reads his diary on Monday mornings. Sometimes he even gets to go on holidays.

We had a wonderful celebration for his birthday. We arrived at school to find him sitting on a birthday chair with his party hat on. He was busy reading all the cards that his friends had made him.

We played musical chairs and then were surprised that Max had organised pass the parcel for us all to play. We all got a little monkey that could stand on its head, from the centre of the parcel.

Then it was time to eat the delicious lunch that our parents had kindly made for us. It was so yum.

We finished off by singing Happy Birthday and Max worked hard to blow out his candles.

Happy Birthday Max and thanks for celebrating with us.