Wellington College Newsletter - March 1 2024

Weekly roundup

‘At the desk where I sit, I have learned one great truth. The answer for all our national problems -- the answer for all the problems of the world -- comes to a single word. That word is education.’ Lyndon B. Johnson (US President)
    by WC

As we close out Week 5, the mid-way point of the first term looms. Lyndon Johnson’s comments feel particularly pertinent, as we see our ākonga settle into their learning programmes and look to the possibilities of the year. These are endless and we appreciate our teachers for all that they do to awaken the curiosity and drive of their students.

Carol Dweck talks about the key role that effort plays in igniting the inherent ability that all of our ākonga possess, and the power that they have to turn that into accomplishment. It is a privilege that we hold at Wellington College, to support your young people in igniting that ability, and we recognise the key role that parents and whānau play at home.

We were pleased to report last week that our Year 9s have made a great start to their journey at Wellington College. Over this week and into the next, the Year 9 Aotearoa New Zealand Histories classes visit Parliament. I was lucky enough to join one of these trips and was impressed by the way in which our young people carried themselves. They asked and answered insightful questions, were incredibly engaged in the experience, and wore their uniforms with pride and a sense of belonging. You can read about these visits below.

While one cohort begins, another looks towards the final stage of their journey. On Wednesday night, we hosted parents and whānau of Year 13s for a special leavers information evening. As always, it is wonderful to have parents and whānau on campus, and in the case of this event, to connect as their young person looks to ready themselves for their next steps beyond the kura.

Our Scholarship programme is now up and running for the year, which we marked with a special assembly on Monday. Around 200 students, either already involved or interested in Scholarship, gathered in the AGC. This was an excellent turnout and a reflection of the buzz around Scholarship. You can also read about this below.

Next week, we look forward to the McEvedy Shield in Newtown. The first McEvedy was held in 1922. This will be a special event for our Year 9s to experience, as they join the Year 13s as spectators. The day is always hard but fairly fought. We wish our athletes all the best as they compete against athletes from Rongatai and the two St Patrick’s Colleges.

Ngā manaakitanga, have a wonderful weekend.