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Woodend School

Te Hapua Blog


Kia ora e te whānau - Welcome to Te Hapua

by J Bartlett

Welcome back to the school year for 2023! We hope you had a wonderful break. We are super excited to see you all and can not wait to begin the next stage of your child’s learning journey! We will see you on the first day of school on Wednesday 1st February. The following newsletter contains some information that will help you as you begin your journey in Te Hapua.

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Te hapua production

by Lachlan Brown

Find out about the Te hapua production.

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150th Celebration Raffle Draw:

by Chris Bucknell

The winners of this raffle have been drawn today and all winners notified. Many thanks for your support with this raffle.

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Is anyone missing their jacket? Jo is modelling the jacket and we just thought someone out there might recognise it. Found the day of the fair.

by Chris Bucknell

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School Fair Reflection!

by Kiara Aboleda

How the School Fair went

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Staff Bios: Miss Adelle Thompson

by jasper rosewarne

A staff bio about Miss Thompson!

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Kia ora e te whānau - Te Hapua Team - Week 3

by J Bartlett

What a wonderful start to the week we have had in Te Hapua. This is a busy term full of many exciting events. Please read on to find out a little more about these events.

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Staff Bios: Mrs Bartlett

by cara townsend

Click here to find out more about Mrs Bartlett

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by Kerri Rutherford

Orders and payment required prior to the 17th of November 2023

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Staff Bios: Mrs Graham

by Rebecca Ross

Click here to get to know Mrs Graham

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Staff Bios: Mr Moore

by Rebecca Ross

Click here to get to know Mr Moore

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Kia ora e tē whanua - Welcome back to Term 4 in Te Hapua

by J Bartlett

We hope you had a wonderful break from school. We have enjoyed catching up with the students this week and seeing the wonderful progress in their learning. Here are some reminders and notices for Term 4.

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Kia ora e te whānau - Week 4 in Te Hapua

by J Bartlett

The students have been enjoying learning and growing in Te Hapua this week. Here are some reminders about the next two weeks.

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Kia ora e te whānau - Welcome to Week 3 in Te Hapua!

by J Bartlett

We have had a wonderful start to the term. The students are busy learning and we have been enjoying some lovely sunny days at school. Here are some reminders for the next two weeks in the Te Hapua team.

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Kia ora e te whānau - The following newsletter contains information about two performance events happening at Woodend School in May.

by J Bartlett

On May 19th and 26th we have two performing arts groups visiting school to perform for our students.

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Ravenswood Playground Opening Day:

by Chris Bucknell

Woodend School along with other local schools has been invited to help promote this opening day. We will be providing Bacon Butties on the day for sale - Sunday 7th May 10.00 am - 12.30. Come along with the family and see the new playground at Ravenswood. Weather postponement date is 14th May.

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Kia ora e te whānau - Welcome to Term 2 in Te Hapua

by J Bartlett

We hope you all had wonderful break from school. This term we have a number of exciting events and learning planned for the students. Here are some reminders and information for the first two weeks of school.

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Week 10 in Te Hapua - Last week of school for term 1!

by J Bartlett

Kia ora e te whānau - welcome to the last week of school. Continue reading for some reminders and notices for the last week of school in Te Hapua.

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Cultural Narrative

Assembly & Whare Manu Afternoon

by Lucy French

Assembly & Whare Manu Afternoon this Friday.

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Community Dental Service:

by Chris Bucknell

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Woodend Community, Parents, and Whānau - We Need You!

by Allie Coyle

We are looking for some amazing adults to join our Woodend Road Patrol Team for Term 2, 2023!

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Kia ora e te whānau - Welcome to Week 8 in Te Hapua

by J Bartlett

Wow - week 8 has arrived! The term has gone so fast and we have had a great deal of learning and exciting programmes in our learning spaces. Read on for further reminders for Week 8 and 9.

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Kia ora e te whānau - Welcome to Week 7 in Te Hapua

by J Bartlett

We have had a wonderful few weeks of learning and growing in Te Hapua. Read on for some reminders for the next two weeks.

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Kia ora e te whānau - Welcome to Week 5 - Te Hapua Team

by J Bartlett

We have had an exciting few weeks of learning and growing in Te Hapua. Read on to see notices and reminders for the next two weeks.

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Bulb Fundraiser:

by Chris Bucknell

Just a quick reminder around our Bulb Fundraiser..........We are again registering with Garden Post to do the Bulb Fundraiser as in the past two years everyone has enjoyed the pleasure of buying and receiving these bulbs. Last date for orders will be Friday 3rd March. Your child will bring home an order form today.

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Kia ora e te whānau - Celebrating Week 3 in Te Hapua

by J Bartlett

What a lovely time we have had getting to know all the fabulous learners in Te Hapua over the past three weeks. The children have been focussing on getting to know the routines in their learning spaces as well as their peers and kaiako. Check out the fabulous Picasso Portraits from Mrs Bartletts class. The following newsletter contains some information and reminders about the next two weeks.

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Woodend School Has Made A Petition!

by jasper rosewarne

Our Student Leaders along with Mr Retallick have made a petition to discourage the opening of a vape store across from the school.

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Whare Manu Afternoons

by Lachlan Brown

All about our Whare Manu afternoons that we have coming up

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Woodend School Information Booklet 2023

by Chris Bucknell

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by Chris Bucknell

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School Map 2023:

by Chris Bucknell

The above map will help you navigate your way around the classrooms.

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School Communication 2023 via the HERO App

by Andrew Retallick

Below is information on our School app called HERO. This year all our communication will be via the HERO app

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Sausage Sizzle 

Sausage Sizzles - 2023

by Chris Bucknell

We will have sausage sizzles up and running for the first Friday back - 3rd February. We have encountered slight price increases but thanks to New World Ravenswood - they have agreed to keep their sausage prices down for us, so the only extra charge will be in the cookie which will now be $1.50. Sausages - still $2.00. Remember please to do the online payment before the Friday so that payments can be seen. Our bank account: ASB 12 3616 0031570 00 We are always keen to hear from anyone who has a spare hour or so every now and then to help on our Parent Roster. Please email or see Brenda in the office.

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2023 School Term Dates:

by Chris Bucknell

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Information Booklet - 2022:

by Chris Bucknell

Please find as an attachment the Information Booklet for Woodend School.

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Walking Your Wheels

by meg harris

Just a reminder…….

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Taking your rubbish home.

by jesse stuart

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Woodend School Team Blogs

by Mike Crawford

With many newsletters, notices, and articles about Woodend - Here are links to our blogs where we will collect them for your later convenience.

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