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He Tīwai Mātauranga Heaton Normal Intermediate

Newsletter, 30 September 2022

Coming Events


Friday, 30:  Last day of Term 3


Monday, 17:  First day of Term 4

Monday 24:  Labour Day

Tuesday 25:  CAIMS Summer weekly sport begins

Wednesday 26:  Year 8 Athletics Day

Thursday 27:  Year 7 Athletics Day

Thursday 27:  Christchurch Intermediates Speech Competition

Monday 31:  2023 new students Interview Evening, 3.30 - 7.00 p.m.


Tuesday 1:  Christchurch Music Festival

Wednesday 2:  Christchurch Music Festival

Wednesday 2:  Cricket Festival (2 days), Hagley Park

Wednesday 2:  FPS National Finals

Friday 4:  Christchurch Schools Musical Festival

Friday 4:  HPV Vaccinations

Thursday 10:  Teacher Only Day

Friday 11:  Canterbury Anniversary Day

Thursday 17:  NZEI Paid Union Meeting, 1.30 p.m. finish

Tuesday 22:  CAIMS summer sport finishes

Wednesday 30:  Music Appreciation Concert 


Wednesday 14:  Year 8 Leavers' Dance, 7.00-9.00 p.m., DoubleTree Chateau on the Park

Thursday 15:  Year 8 Prize Giving Assembly, 1.30 p.m., Hall

Thursday 15:  Year 8 students last day, 3.00 p.m. finish

Friday 16:  Year 7 Prize Giving Assembly, Hall, 11.00 a.m. - 12 noon

Friday 16:  Year 7 students finish 12.00 noon


James Griggs, Principal

by Office @ Heaton

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Heaton Voices Speak Out

by Joan Green

Congratulations to our Heaton speech competitors: Olivia Rm12, Katie Rm9, Evie Rm18, Ben Rm2, and Shimeka Rm4

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AIMS Games Individual Athletes 2022

by Tim Evers

Dedication pays off for AIMS Individual athletes

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External Competitions

by Office @ Heaton

Well done to all the students who participated in the external competitions

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Kapa haka performances - te wiki o Te Reo/Maori language week.

by Boss Phanpho

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CAIMS Swimming Championships 2022

by Tim Evers

Take your marks...

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It’s official: Heaton has a great school library!

by Jane Boniface

A recent Ministry of Education research report showcasing best practice in NZ school libraries included Heaton Intermediate as one of 13 schools from across the motu identified as having a successful school library.

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Throwing Clay

by Fiona Taylor

This month Art Extension had their first experience of throwing on a wheel.

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- Photography Competition - New Beginings - Timatanga Hou

by Fiona Taylor

This competition is open to anyone at school. Start taking your photos at school this term or work on this over the holidays.

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Hīnau and Amoka Kaupeka - Sustainable Coastline Planting

by Wendy Edge

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Language Club

by Catherine Mundy

Have you ever wondered about learning a new language? If so, come join us at the ESOL room every Wednesday at lunchtime. Language club allows you to open up and be able to connect with a range of languages and cultures. You learn so much from different cultures.

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Year 8 Ski Trips

by Joan Green

On two magically beautiful days in September, the three Year 8 kaupeka skied fresh powdery snow at Mt Hutt.

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Clean Up Weeks

by Joan Green

Heaton ākonga have been participating in Keep New Zealand Beautiful's Clean Up Week initiative.

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The transition from intermediate to secondary school

by Paula Dore

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Reporting student absence through the Hero App

by Office @ Heaton

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Ikura Period Products in Schools

by Office @ Heaton

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Community Dental Service

by Office @ Heaton

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2022 Term Dates

by Office @ Heaton

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2023 Term Dates

by Office @ Heaton

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Community Notices

by Office @ Heaton

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