2021 School Terms
- Term 2: Mon 3 May - Fri 9 July
- Term 3: Mon 26 July - Fri 1 October
- Term 4: Mon 18 October - Wed 15 December
Teaching vacancies
We are seeking enthusiastic and passionate teachers to join our Nayland College team on a fixed-term basis for the remainder of 2021. Part-time or full-time to cover staff on maternity and long-term sick leave.
Visit this articleSpecial Olympics Football Tournament a Win for All!
Students get a close up look at aquaculture
Hui Taurima Leadership Camp: Te Aumiti/French Pass
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua - Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead
Visit this articleRegional Rockquest winners
Congratulations to 'The Batteries,' Peter Gray from 'Muted' and Tyler Russ from 'Nelson Crime Family'!
Visit this articleNayland's big win at Big Sing
Last Thursday, Nayland's Mixed Choir, 'NayCol Chorale' and Girls' Choir, 'Sotto Voce' received outstanding results after attending the regional Big Sing competition held in Blenheim.
Visit this articleYear 9 Institute of Sport high performance camp
Last week saw our Y9 Institute of Sport class have their three-day high-performance camp here in Nelson.
Visit this articleTactix share tactics with young netballers
Dance Showcase 2021
An evening of dance! Come along for a great evening of dance. Around 90 Dance students from the year 9-13 dance classes and Dance Company will be strutting their stuff on stage in the school hall on 7th and 8th July at 6.30pm. A wide range of styles and formations – lots to see and enjoy. All welcome. Koha entry.
Visit this article'Surf's Up' classes visit local surfer
Students in the 'Surf's Up' module are currently learning about wetsuits and surfboards. Local surfer Aaron Lyttle kindly offered to share his extensive collection of surfboards, fins and wetsuits with the students, including the board he built himself during lockdown last year.
Visit this articleLive reporting has gone live!
Earlier this year we sent out an overview of the ways we will communicate around your child's learning and progress. As mentioned, this year we are moving to a system of live reporting.
Visit this articleMatariki Festival - Saturday 3 July
4-8pm at Founders Heritage Park. Come and support our Pūaha Te Tai Whānau food stalls - honey, BLT fried bread and more! Gold coin entry.
Visit this articleSharing love and passion with the next generation
As we continue to profile our 2021 teaching recruits, today we meet Julia Brown, another one of our new science teachers with a love for science, the environment and inspiring creative problem-solvers.
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