Pink Shirt Day - Friday 17th May
On Friday 17th May 2024 we will be supporting and celebrating Pink Shirt Day to Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!
We are asking that the children wear pink to show our support for the day. This can be from a pink t-shirt, skirt or shorts or even wearing a pink ribbon or colour their hair pink.
The day is to celebrate diversity, spread aroha and end bullying in Aotearoa.
We will be collecting a gold coin donation at the front and back gates before school, and all funds raised will go to the Mental Health Foundation.
It will be a non uniform day for all, however, we are encouraging children to wear the colour pink in some way.
As happened last year the Junior Cross Country is also scheduled for this day so children in Year 1-3 have the choice of wearing pink or wearing their house colours. Suitable running shoes will be required.