Lost Property / Second Hand Uniform Needed
Lost Property
Our Lost Property Box is overflowing again! All items were laid out by our Eco Crusaders on Monday and students were asked to check for any missing items.
Our Eco Crusaders regularly check for names on all items placed in the Lost Property Box so please ensure all items of clothing that come to school are clearly named.
Please encourage your child to check the box located between the Hall and Office if they are misplaced an item at school. Any unnamed uniform items remaining at the end of the Term are sold by the Parents Association.
Lots of non uniform items were found in the Lost Property Box at the end of last Term. These will be donated to a local charity shop if not claimed by the end of this week. If you recognise any of these items please claim from the School Office.
- Numerous non uniform tshirts and tops (as pictured)
- Numerous watches
- Headbands and Hats
- White make up bag containing lip products (found in gutter outside school on 14/3)
Second Hand Uniform
If you have any uniform that you wish to donate for the next Parents Association Uniform Sale on Thursday 4th July please drop off washed items into the School Office.
We have families looking for uniform, especially in sizes 8, 10 and 12. Polo shirts, long pants and culottes are in high demand but we will accept all items in good condition.
Second hand uniform can be purchased from the School Office at any time. Cash only.