Principal's Pen - Week 2 - Term 2 2024

Matariki Celebration Update

Planning is well underway as we prepare to host another successful Matariki Celebration for our school community next Wednesday the 26th June.
Matariki Celebration - Wednesday 26th June 2024 by Marie Bianco

After the success of last years inaugural event, we are excited to bring back our Matariki Celebration in 2024.  

This will be a free event for our school community with free kai and performances during the evening.

The format will be similar to last year. Classes have been allocated food to prepare for the free event. 

  • Year 6 - Fried Bread
  • Year 5 - Soup (vegetable)
  • Year 4 - Soup (pumpkin)
  • Year 3 - Fried Bread
  • Year 2 - Popcorn
  • Year 1 - Hot Chocolate

In order for this to be a successful event, class teachers will contact you at a later date to request food items to be donated and we will need parents to assist in manning the stalls in 15 minute sessions.

Classrooms will be open during the evening and teachers will be in their classrooms to assist students in showcasing their work and therefore are unable to man the stalls.

The Junior and Senior Kapahaka will perform.

We look forward to your support of this event.

We still need the support of school families and businesses who would be prepared to make a financial contribution towards the cost of providing free kai. 

Look out for more information on how you can help will come our via the Hero App for specific year groups later in the Term.  Thank you for supporting this event.

Thank you to Innovate Digital (Anna Hayes) and EAC Electrical and Airconditioning (Amanda and Simon Willetts) for their generous donations towards our Matariki Evening.    

We will acknowledge Anna and her business in our next Panui.  

If you know of a business who would be keen to sponsor this very special community evening please come in to the School Office or Email:- 

We would be happy to acknowledge all support received by mentioning businesses in our Pānui and  would be happy to display signage at the event.