Connect Magazine - Term 1, 2024

Creating a Christian Community of Learning in the Middle School

In Middle School, we desire to develop the mind, captivate the heart, and equip the hands. Our Christian community of learning is outworked by encouraging our learners to be curious and courageous and to live out the hope of Christ. Whanaungatanga serves as the heartbeat of our community, where we know the importance of loving one another and living in unity with a shared purpose.

In Middle School our Christian community of learning is lived out by:


Prayer is an essential part of Middle School daily life and culture. This includes prayer meetings, prayer as a class and with students and studying prayer in the Bible.

Teaching and Learning

Biblically informed teaching and learning programmes are integrated into our planning and are related to real-life contexts. Biblical Studies provides learning opportunities to help engage with scripture in meaningful ways in an environment that cultivates students to thrive, growing deeper in their faith and relationships with one another. Teachers encourage Biblical Studies to be an opportunity for open discussion where students can question and explore God’s world. Life Lab includes a focus on discipleship, engaging with scripture, missions, and unpacking life skills. Middle School is intentional about building a culture of individual and corporate worship.

Service Opportunities

Students are given opportunities within the school and are encouraged to partner with local missions to impact others through service. Service opportunities include various local missions in the Hibiscus Coast and Auckland and fundraising for Senior School international mission trips. Students are also actively involved in the Student Volunteer Army. Student leadership forms an integral part of service opportunities. Students are given the chance to serve and lead. The Midde School has the following councils: Whanau, Peer Support, Media, Environment, Worship, Sport, Missions and The Arts.