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MGC Bulletin - 15 March 2024

Key Dates

2024 Term Dates

Term 1 - 29th January to 12th April (Easter - Good Friday 29th March; Easter Monday 1st April; Easter Tuesday 2nd April)
Term 2 - 29th April to 5th July
Term 3 - 22nd July to 27th September
Term 4 - 14th October to 13th December 


Stars Camp 2024

Stars Camp 2024

by Marlborough Girls' College

Last week, in week 6, the annual Year 9 STARS camp took place!

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From the Principal | Tumuaki

by Mary-Jeanne Lynch

Te tangata e korikori ana, te tangata ora tēnā, ko te tangata kāore e korikori, he tangata mate. The person who keeps active retains good health; the idle person will die

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Board of Trustees News

by Board of Trustees

At our first board meeting of the year, the board discussed the very disappointing news regarding the cancellation of the rebuild/colocation project.

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21 Century Learning in Year 11 at MGC

by Michelle Tewkesbury

Our new Year 11 is off to a great start!

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Numeracy & Literacy

Literacy & Numeracy at MGC

by Michelle Tewkesbury

Literacy and numeracy are an essential part of everyday life, work and education.

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Hauora Week

Elevate Wellbeing with MGC's Hauora Week Celebration! 🌟🎉

by Rachel Anderson

This week, we're celebrating Hauora at MGC! It's all about strengthening wellbeing and embracing the four pillars of Te Whare Tapa Wha.

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MGC - not a hoodie school!

by Mary-Jeanne Lynch

Manaakitanga means showing pride in our school, and kotahitanga means we expect everyone to support that. Hoodies, including those with zips, are not part of our school uniform.

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Celebrating success in the 'School News'

by Mary-Jeanne Lynch

We are really proud to share our story and our work nationwide. Enjoy reading about MGC in the latest edition of SchoolNews.

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Aria Millen

Message from Aria Millen - Head Student Librarian

by Aria Millen

Greetings, I am Aria Millen, the Head Student Librarian for 2024. As a year 13 student I am looking forward to the year and my new role.

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Cleo Collins

Mexico Bound...

by Marlborough Girls' College

Cleo Collins, a Year 12 Business Studies student, has received exciting news this week as she has been one of eight students across the country to be selected on an all expenses 10 day trip to Mexico.

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International Women's Day - Zonta Breakfast with MGC students.

Zonta Marlborough - International Women's Day

by Marlborough Girls' College

International Women’s Day was celebrated on the 8th March here in Marlborough with the local Zonta Club hosting a breakfast event, with attendees including a group of our amazing senior student leaders from MGC.

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Lucy Blakiston with Senior Media Studies Students

Media Students Meet Podcasting Legend Lucy Blakiston

by Julie Brown - Media Teacher

Senior Media Studies students were lucky enough to meet with MGC old girl and previous Head Girl, Lucy Blackiston earlier this term.

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Zoe Tate - Special Olympics 2024

Special Olympics & Stars Camp

by Carla Taylor

Last week the Learning Centre students got to enjoy some amazing activities outside of the classroom.

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Year 11 learning in Lights, Camera, Action!

by Mark Lower

Film-making is a growth industry in Marlborough, and we are very pleased to be a part of that growth by offering a new Year 11 film production course this year called Lights, Camera, Action!

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MGC Pasifika students at the Multi-Cultural Festival

MGC Performs at the Multi-cultural Festival

by Ewa Zielinska

Celebrating many cultures, one home.

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MGC & MBC Māori students performing at the Cultural Festival

Ngā Taiohi Kapa Haka opens GDFM event

by Marlborough Girls College

Congratulations to Ngā Taiohi - the combined Kapa Haka from MGC & MBC, who opened the Graham Dingle foundation Celebration last week.

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Smoke Free Rockquest

Music Makers take on Smokefree Rock Quest

by Marlborough Girls' College

Students in Year 11 Music prepare Smokefree Rock Quest

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RNZAF Band vist

The Royal New Zealand Air Force Band

by MGC

On Wednesday, 28th February, 23 MGC students went to ASB Theatre to watch The Royal New Zealand Air Force Band

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Valentina Kopusar, Azul Marin Vallejo, Cleo Collins and Ms Maria Flores

Libros de español - Spanish books

by Colleen Shipley, Librarian

The College Library was thrilled to receive a number of books in Spanish last week.

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Ballet Dance Workshop

Ballet Workshop & Tutus on Tour

by Marlborough Girls' College

Dancing for everyone!

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TSS Cricket 2024

TSS Cricket

by Marlborough Girls' College

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MGC International Students

Hosting an International Student

by International Department

Take an opportunity of a lifetime!

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Keeping Children Safe

Police Vetting at MGC

by Marlborough Girls' College

At MGC all potential and current employees, volunteers, contractors and vocational trainees are police vetted.

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UCAT 2024 Registration is Now Open

by Careers Department

Students keen to study Medicine or Dentistry in Australia - Read on!

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Hockey Coaches Required

by Hockey Marlborough

Hockey Marlborough is currently seeking enthusiastic coaches for the following 2024 representative teams: U13 Girls & Boys, U15 Girls & Boys, U18 Girls & Boys. Click on the link below to register your interest.

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Reporting an Absence

by Attendance Office

A reminder to all parents that the easiest and most efficient way for you to notify the College of a student's absence, is by using the SchoolBridge app. This links directly to our student management system, and can be used any time day or night. Note that this is just for one day absences - if you know that a student is to be away for more than one day then you can use the app on a day by day basis, or phone or email the Attendance Office.

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Community Noticeboard

by Marlborough Girls' College

Check out what's going on around our community!

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