A busy Term 3 2020
As I write this article, we have been moved back into Alert Level 2 today (12 August).
Visit this articleAs I write this article, we have been moved back into Alert Level 2 today (12 August).
Visit this articlePikimai came in to teach us some rakau. It was great fun and cool to learn some new skills. Miss Rush has also been in to teach us some dance. We have talented staff members here at Girls' High, who are willing to give up their time to share their skill sets with us.
Visit this articleIf you have enrolled your daughter at TGHS for 2021 as a day student, you would have received an email regarding our Year 8 Enrolment Interviews.
Visit this articleThese lovely coffee cups are available to buy at our school office for $20 each.
Visit this articleThere are a number of exciting opportunities coming up, check them out.
Visit this articleLast Thursday 17 students were incredibly fortunate to take part in a GirlBoss Summit facilitated by GirlBoss Founder, 21 year old Alexia Hilbertidou.
Visit this articleThe annual Quadrangular exchange played between Christchurch Girls' High School, Waitaki Girls' High School, Avonside Girls' High School, and Timaru Girls' High School was this year hosted by Waitaki Girls' High School, in Timaru.
Visit this articleUpholding What It Means to be A ‘Girls' High Girl’.
Visit this articleThe Hostel recently hosted a Pink Ribbon Breakfast to raise funds for the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation.
Visit this articleLast Wednesday over 50 senior students participated in the Ara Sector Day.
Visit this articleThe Year 11 Geography class recently visited Tekapo to meet with a variety of tourism providers to find out how they were trying to make their operations more environmentally sustainable.
Visit this articleThe start of Term 3 has been very busy in the boarding house with sport and extra curricular activities, but the busiest period was over the school holidays with renovations.
Visit this articleOn Wednesday the 1st of July the Year 13 outdoor education class went to Round Hill Ski Area.
Visit this articleThe Young Farmers' is a group of students with interests in the primary industries who have a focus on making connections in these industries and growing leadership skills.
Visit this articleIf any of these items belong to you, please call into the student office to collect them.
Visit this articleThe much anticipated social was held on the evening of the 30th of July, which had been postponed earlier in the year.
Visit this articleOver the school holidays our Head of School, Kristie Goodsir, and our Deputy Head of School, Jessica Davidson were selected out of 200 applicants to participate in the School to Skies programme at the Whenuapai Air Force base above Auckland.
Visit this articleLast week we had our first meeting since before Lock Down began.
Visit this articleWe are happy to announce that camp is all go, for the 10th-13th of November 2020.
Visit this articleOur comfort zones are warm and cosy places to be. They provide safety, certainty and stability; however, staying in them for too long can limit our growth and experiences.
Visit this articleHave you changed your address, your cellphone number, your email address?
Visit this articleDid you get your school magazine for 2018 and 2019?
Visit this articleA reminder to please download the app for up-to-date information from the school.
Visit this articleJust a reminder that sports fees need to be paid Urgently.
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