Lyttelton Primary School|Raupō News
Featured Article
February 3, 2023
Nina McMillan
We've had a great first week back at school in Raupō.
News from Raupo - Year 5 & 6
Emily CooperDecember 7, 2023
This week in Raupō we have been bringing our designs to life using recycled materials.
RaupōNovember 24, 2023
In Raupō we have been looking at how we can use the design process to solve a problem.
Emily CooperNovember 10, 2023
This week Raupō celebrated reading 2 Million words on reading plus.
Emily CooperNovember 9, 2023
As we approach the end of the year there are a few important dates for your calendars.
Emily CooperOctober 12, 2023
Please see the Term 4 newsletter attached for upcoming learning, events, news and activities for Team Rakinui - Raupō and Tōtara.
Emily CooperSeptember 14, 2023
Over the last few weeks students in raupō have been exploring making lego stop-motion videos.
Emily CooperAugust 4, 2023
This year in Raupō we have been using maths games to help us with our number knowledge.
Emily CooperJuly 20, 2023
In Raupō we have been unlocking the world of Algebra with the help of Lego!
Please see the Term 3 newsletter attached for upcoming learning, events, news and activities for Raupō and Tōtara.
Jenny FeltonJune 7, 2023
Each Wednesday Rāupo students get to visit the Lyttelton Rec. Centre at lunchtime to take part in sports fun.
Emily CooperMay 26, 2023
In Literacy we have been learning about writing reports and how we can use these to share information.
Emily CooperMay 12, 2023
Raupō has begun exploring how Early Māori survived between 1300's -1600's.
Emily CooperApril 26, 2023
Please see the Term 2 newsletter attached for upcoming learning, events, news and activities for Raupō and Tōtara.
Nina McMillanMarch 31, 2023
Today Raupō and Tōtara had our EOTC day out of the classroom!
Nina McMillanMarch 17, 2023
During the week we had two instructors come in to teach us all the cool tricks to do with fire sticks.
Emily CooperMarch 14, 2023
Great Britain Sail GP's Hannah Mills visited Rakinui this week.
Nina McMillanMarch 3, 2023
Hi, these are some of the things Raupo has been doing for the past few weeks…
Emily CooperFebruary 17, 2023
This week has been filled with swimming and our inquiry into space.
Emily CooperDecember 1, 2022
Last week Raupō headed to camp at Spencer Park.
Nina McMillanNovember 17, 2022
Over the past few weeks Raupō has been learning about different styles of tapa cloth from the Pacific Islands.
Rachel CumminsOctober 20, 2022
Please see the Term 4 newsletter attached for upcoming learning, events, news and activities for Raupō and Tōtara.
Nina McMillanSeptember 23, 2022
Over this term we have combine our learning from three subjects in to one task.
Nina McMillanAugust 11, 2022
This term Raupo has started our new unit of inquiry for Health.
Rachel CumminsJuly 28, 2022
Rachel CumminsMay 6, 2022
Nina McMillanMay 6, 2022
For our current inquiry we have begun exploring energy and simple machines. We have tried to make some of our own machines involving wedge, screw,
Emily CooperMarch 31, 2022
On Tuesday we went to Heathcote Domain and participated in a Top Team challenge. This is what we thought of it
Holly and OliviaMarch 17, 2022
This term Raupō has been focusing on their creative writing.
Nina McMillanMarch 16, 2022
In Raupō this term we have been beginning to integrate digital technology into our literacy time.
Nina McMillanFebruary 18, 2022
In Raupō we have been exploring our strengths and setting our own learning goals.
Emily CooperFebruary 18, 2022
Over the last two weeks Raupō has been swimming.
Nina McMillanFebruary 4, 2022
This week in Raupō we have focused on setting up the class expectations and routines.
CosmoDecember 2, 2021
Today we completed our three debates in front of Joe Bennett our adjudicator. The speech finalists presented their persuasive speeches as well.
Emily CooperNovember 18, 2021
Book your tickets for next week on the LAF Site (Link below).
Nikeisha ClarkeOctober 29, 2021
Athletics events at the Rec grounds
Nikeisha ClarkeOctober 22, 2021
Week 1 in Raupō
Rachel Cummins - Leader of Learning (Rakinui)October 19, 2021
Please see the Term 4 newsletter attached for upcoming learning, events, news and activities for Raupo and Totara.
Nikeisha ClarkeSeptember 30, 2021
Congratulations Bride, Florence and Ethan from Raupō!
Rachel CumminsSeptember 29, 2021
Congratulations to the students who participated in the Kiwi Competitions in English, Maths and Science.
Nikeisha ClarkeAugust 27, 2021
Raupō have been learning online!
Nina McMillanAugust 13, 2021
On Monday the 9th of August Raupō visited the Galileo exhibition at the Canterbury Museum.
Rachel Cummins - Leader of Learning (Rakinui)July 29, 2021
Please see the Term 3 newsletter attached for upcoming learning, events, news and activities for Raupo and Totara.
Nina McMillanJune 18, 2021
In drama we have been exploring the theme of trust.
Rachel CumminsJune 18, 2021
On June 16th Rakinui and Our Lady Star of the Sea visited Redcliffs to watch Nano Girl and her mind blowing experiments like (safely) setting her
Emily CooperJune 4, 2021
Last Tuesday 45 Rakinui students headed back to Ferrymead park to participate in the zones cross country event.
Rachel Cummins - Leader of Learning (Rakinui)May 18, 2021
Please see the Term 2 newsletter attached for upcoming learning, events, news and activities for Raupo and Totara.
Emily CooperMay 6, 2021
Rakinui cross country (Year 5 to 8) is taking place at Ferrymead Park on Tuesday 11 May (Week 2).
Rachel Cummins - Leader of Learning (Rakinui)February 9, 2021
Please see the Term 1 newsletter attached for upcoming learning, events, news and activities for Raupo and Totara.
Anne GrieveNovember 19, 2020
Raupo has been planning and designing items to sell on Market Day.
Jenny FeltonNovember 5, 2020
We had a stunning day for our senior athletics day on Wednesday at the Lyttelton Rec Grounds.
Anne GrieveNovember 3, 2020
On the 28 of October, at group of 22 kids, a mix of Totara and Raupo, went to perform at Redcliffs school hall.
Rachel Cummins - Leader of Learning (Rakinui)October 21, 2020
Please see the Term 4 newsletter attached of upcoming, learning, events, news and activity for Raupo and Totara.
Anne GrieveSeptember 17, 2020
Raupo has been exploring the connections between the land, sea and sky.
Rachel Cummins - Leader of Learning (Rakinui)August 30, 2020
Please see the Term 3 newsletter attached of upcoming, learning, events, news and activity for Raupo and Totara.
Nina McMillanAugust 21, 2020
The Christchurch Art Gallery
MaiaAugust 21, 2020
Over the week, Totara and Raupo visited the Te Wheke exhibition at the Christchurch art gallery, and made their own tapa cloth designs.
Nina McMillanAugust 7, 2020
He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai - If kindness is sown, then kindness you shall receive.
Anne GrieveJuly 30, 2020
Senior Choir has had its first meeting for 2020!
Rachel CumminsJuly 30, 2020
On Wednesday and Thursday this week, Rakinui ventured into the city to investigate how natural heritage, mahinga kai, te reo Maori, whakapapa, urban
Rachel CumminsJuly 2, 2020
Our 'Food Glorious Food' exhibition with music and refreshments was a fabulous afternoon.
Anne GrieveJune 25, 2020
Recently I studied Otzi, a 5000 year old Germanic man.
Emily CooperJune 19, 2020
Epro8 is an engineering and technology competition for year 5-8 students. It involves teamwork, technical skills and problem-solving.
Anne GrieveJune 18, 2020
Here are some samples of narratives written by Raupo students. The authors this week are Alex, Oscar and Danielle. Their stories certainly have some
Nina McMillanJune 12, 2020
In Raupō we have been focused on our well being. We have explored our emotions, our goals and our characteristics.
Anne GrieveMay 28, 2020
In Raupo we are learning to draw cakes like the artist Wayne Thiebaud.
Jenny FeltonMay 15, 2020
During lockdown many of our students have enjoyed tapping into their creative abilities.
Anne GrieveMay 7, 2020
Recently all of Raupo has been wonderfully busy, learning, playing, producing artwork and exercising at home in a variety of ways.
Nina McMillanMay 1, 2020
In Raupō we've been doing some pretty amazing things!!!
Anne GrieveMarch 23, 2020
Last Wednesday we went to camp.
Emily CooperMarch 6, 2020
On Wednesday the 4th of March 18 students went to McLeans Island to compete in the Huxster Mountain bike race.
Anne GrieveMarch 5, 2020
In week 3 and 4 our school PB4L focus was goal setting.
Anne GrieveFebruary 11, 2020
Raupo has been investigating our 180 year old treaty. Here is what we found out.
Rachel Cummins - Leader of Learning (Rakinui)February 7, 2020
Please see the Term 1 newsletter attached of upcoming, learning, events, news and activity for Raupo and Totara.
Nina McMillanDecember 13, 2019
Last week a few children went on a walk around Lyttelton learning about the “Our Stories” app.
Raupo has been getting into the Christmas Spirit!
Brendan WrightDecember 12, 2019
Thank you to Ross, John, Rebecca and the team at Naval Point for working with our year 6 and 7 student this week.
Jenny FeltonNovember 8, 2019
For the last 4 weeks a group of young writers from Raupo have been working with a writing tutor learning new techniques for formulating their ideas.
Raupo StudentsOctober 30, 2019
In Raupo, we have been learning to write Persuasive text & Creative stories during literacy time.
Rachel Cummins - Team LeaderOctober 21, 2019
Rachel CumminsSeptember 27, 2019
Six shows, 64 speaking parts, singing, dancing, acting, stunning masks and set. Rakinui students, their teachers and other staff loved it all. Here
PhoebeSeptember 12, 2019
Here are two pieces of creative writing written by Phoebe
MataiAugust 9, 2019
As part of our learning adventure at Lyttelton Primary School, twelve students have the opportunity to enrich their learning outside the classroom by
Jenny FeltonJuly 30, 2019
On Tuesday Libby, Micah, Hanna, Desire and Mollie performed for the Kindergarten children.
Rachel Cummins - Team LeaderJuly 25, 2019
Jenny FeltonJune 20, 2019
On Monday and Tuesday a group of 10 students from Years 5-8 participated in a writing enhancement workshop with author Gail.
Jenny FeltonJune 6, 2019
On Wednesday and Thursday a group of 10 students from Years 5-8 participated in a writing enhancement workshop with author Heather McQuillan.
Jenny FeltonMay 21, 2019
On Tuesday and Wednesday fourteen students, a student helper and two teachers from our school participated in innovative and creative technology
Jenny FeltonMay 17, 2019
A group of Year 5 - 8 students went to Hagley Park to participate in the first round of weekly Winter Sports.
Jenny FeltonMay 16, 2019
On Tuesday Kowhai and Raupo students participated in an M3 Mindfulness session with Jase.
Rachel Cummins - Team LeaderMay 3, 2019
Please see the Term 2 newsletter attached of upcoming, learning, events, news and activity for Raupo and Totara.
NoahApril 4, 2019
Written by Noah
Rachel CumminsMarch 14, 2019
On Monday the 11th and Wednesday the 13th March Rakinui students went to view the Art Gallery's exhibition on the New Zealand artist Gordon Walters.
Rachel Cummins - Team LeaderFebruary 8, 2019
Janet PowellNovember 30, 2018
Vernon is an apiarist, who keeps bee hives as a hobby and is often called upon to help people with swarms.
Janet PowellNovember 27, 2018
Did you know not all wasps are bad? Rakinui do now, thanks to a very interesting talk by Scott who had us all enthralled by the behaviour of a
Lyttelton StoriesNovember 24, 2018
Students from previous year 7-8 and this year’s 5-6 have been participating in a community storytelling project called Our Stories since 2016.
Janet PowellNovember 9, 2018
Bugs has been the theme for Raupo and we have been looking at different ways to write a poem from Haiku to Tongue Twisters. Totara have been working
Dinah WallisNovember 1, 2018
On Wednesday the Enviro group went to Lyttelton Port Company. To have a tour of the L.P.C. and to talk about the new building. I was in the first
Rachel CumminsOctober 18, 2018
Last Tuesday and Wednesday saw eighteen students, three helpers and a couple of teachers at Sumner School participating in innovative and creative
This year our senior and junior athletics will be held on separate days. Year 4 - 8 students will be holding their athletics day on Wednesday 24th
Lyttelton Primary SchoolSeptember 14, 2018
Lyttelton Primary School performs at Aupaki Rocks 2018
Rachel CumminsSeptember 14, 2018
The creativity of our tamariki was showcased at the Cultural Festival last Friday. Below are the creations and their creators. They spent many hours
Rachel CumminsSeptember 12, 2018
Congratulation to all children who participated in the 2018 Cultural Festival held at Horncastle Arena.
Janet PowellAugust 30, 2018
Time is running short and tension is mounting now as we lead up to the last week of preparation before the Cultural Festival and Wearable Art Show
Raupo are enjoying time with Jill larking and learning all about Time Banking. As they are working through the games and activities, they are
Janet PowellAugust 10, 2018
We were very fortunate to have Joanna Grochowicz, author of "Into the White - Scott's Antarctic Odyssey" come and speak to the Y3-6 children about
Hayley and Eliza went round the learning spaces showing how the Archimedes screw works. It was invented for transporting water from lower ground to
Janet PowellAugust 9, 2018
Four kids at Lyttelton School decided to raise money for the Kea Conservation Trust. For our genius time aka wheke time we constructed a special
Jeremy OrczyAugust 3, 2018
We are so proud of Bronnie. The stories for this competition came from all over New Zealand and Bronnie came first in the Year 5/6 competition. You
Lyttelton Primary SchoolJuly 27, 2018
Visit here to read the term 3 newsletter for Takaroa (Harakeke and Kowhai) and Rakinui (Raupo and Totara)
RaupoJuly 26, 2018
Rakinui have got the term to a good start with this visit to the Colombo Street station as part of our inquiry into water and it's related
Arabella Karst and Maia HendersonMay 25, 2018
Rakinui enjoyed a day out to the Art Gallery and the city, including time at the Margaret Mahy playground.
Janet PowellMarch 9, 2018
From the fantastic view from our learning space window, we are capturing our impression of the harbour and what it means to us with paint.
Lyttelton Primary SchoolFebruary 9, 2018
Visit here to read the term 1 newsletter for Takaroa (harakeke and kowhai) and Rakinui (raupo and totara)
Maia and ArabellaFebruary 8, 2018
It is an origami box, made up of boxes that are made out of several mini origami boxes. All the tiny cubes link together.
Janet PowellDecember 8, 2017
Raupo had a fantastic time at camp, the weather was perfect, the activities were challenging and everyone had a wonderful time. We lived all three
RaupoNovember 16, 2017
The show was directed by Mike Friend and written by Joe Bennett. The show and the lights were performed and managed by kids from year 5 and 6. Here
Lyttelton Primary SchoolJuly 7, 2017
2nd place in the final to our Year 5/6 Epro8 Challenge Team!
Lyttelton Primary SchoolJune 30, 2017
Congratulations to Tessa, Zoey, Tashi, Rowan and Alex from Raupo for again placing first in the EPro8 for in the semi final competition this week.
Janet PowellJune 15, 2017
Nicola is an Olympic Ambassador and she enthralled the children with her amazing story.
Brendan WrightJune 9, 2017
Eve PoffJune 2, 2017
Muddy, fun running!
Janet PowellMay 4, 2017
Starting from the third day of Term 2, Raupo have been focusing on learning about the complex world of geometry...
Adam NichollMarch 31, 2017
This is me Adam Nicholl. Right now, as you can see, I am using a programme called Scratch.
Lyttelton Primary SchoolMarch 31, 2017
Jasper brought this into school this week to show us and it is awesome!
Janet PowellMarch 31, 2017
Genius time allows the students in Raupo to explore their own passions and encourages their creativity . It provides them with a choice in what they
Jasper W, Isaac W & Tashi from RaupoMarch 2, 2017
Chapter chat in Raupo has seen us making onion rings.
Janet PowellFebruary 24, 2017
Today he discovered just how good he is at using place value as a strategy for maths problems and we are celebrating his success with him.
Lyttelton Primary SchoolFebruary 24, 2017
A quick lunch before off on the bus to Hagley Park.
Janet PowellFebruary 23, 2017
Raupo have been starting the day with some simple but thought provoking kitchen science.
Ngaio DannFebruary 17, 2017
Janet PowellFebruary 15, 2017
A teacher in New Zealand has set up a way for 100 schools to chat and share work about a book called Holes......
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