Oaklands Te Kura o Ōwaka|Year 2 - Hub Blog
Featured Article
February 6, 2020
Shannon King
Welcome to Hub 2 for 2020!
Liz BrashDecember 13, 2020
Wow! what a busy week check out what's been happening in week 9.
Samantha DoigDecember 13, 2020
Monday 14th- Friday 19th December
Larissa LuttermanDecember 4, 2020
Samantha DoigDecember 3, 2020
30th November- 4th December
Liz BrashNovember 27, 2020
Check out what's happening in week 8.
Lance MullerNovember 24, 2020
4 teachers + 4 babies = 4 busy mums.
Oaklands LibrarianNovember 19, 2020
Monday 30 November - Friday 4 December
Liz BrashNovember 19, 2020
Check out what's been happening in Week 6!
Rebecca PilbroughNovember 20, 2020
How exciting the weather shined on us and we were able of go ahead with the event.
Larissa LuttermanNovember 11, 2020
Samantha DoigNovember 11, 2020
9th November- 12th November
Liz BrashNovember 7, 2020
Check out what is coming up in week 5!
Bryan BrownNovember 5, 2020
On Thursday the 29th of October, the Oaklands te kura o Ōwaka Kapa Haka group performed at Christchurch Arena.
Liz BrashNovember 5, 2020
Week 4 in Review
Samantha DoigOctober 30, 2020
Monday 2nd November- Friday 6th November
Liz BrashOctober 30, 2020
Check out what hub 2 has been up to this week.
Samantha DoigOctober 21, 2020
It has been another awesome week in our new hub 2 space... check out what we have been up to!
Karen MackieOctober 22, 2020
Tuesday 27th, Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th October.
Larissa LuttermanOctober 22, 2020
Liz BrashOctober 16, 2020
Check out what's happening in Week 2
Larissa LuttermanOctober 15, 2020
Check out what Hub 2 has been up to this week!
Samantha DoigOctober 7, 2020
Monday 12th October- Friday 16th October
Liz BrashSeptember 25, 2020
Samantha DoigSeptember 17, 2020
Check out what Hub 2 has been up to this week.
Shannon KingSeptember 16, 2020
Monday the 21st September - Friday the 25th September
Liz BrashSeptember 11, 2020
What's coming up in week 9.
Shannon KingSeptember 10, 2020
Samantha DoigSeptember 4, 2020
Monday 7th September- Friday 11th September
Liz BrashSeptember 3, 2020
Samantha DoigAugust 28, 2020
Shannon KingAugust 27, 2020
Monday the 30th August - Friday the 4th September
Lance MullerAugust 25, 2020
The Quiz Night scheduled for Friday 11 September has been postponed.
Shannon KingAugust 19, 2020
Check out what Hub 2 has been up to.
Liz BrashAugust 21, 2020
Check out what is happening in the Year 2 Hub in Week 6.
Rebecca PilbroughJuly 21, 2020
Friday 4th September.
Liz BrashAugust 13, 2020
Samantha DoigAugust 14, 2020
Monday 17th August- Friday 21st August
Samantha DoigAugust 4, 2020
Shannon KingAugust 4, 2020
Monday the 10th - Friday the 14th August
Shannon KingJuly 31, 2020
Monday 3rd - Friday 7th August
Shannon KingJuly 26, 2020
Lance MullerJuly 29, 2020
The annual Year 8 fundraising quiz will be held later this term. All info can be found below.
Samantha DoigJuly 24, 2020
Monday 27th - Friday 31st July
Liz BrashJuly 23, 2020
Check out what's been happening in our first week back!
Claire BraithwaiteJuly 22, 2020
Be in to win a class set of headphones for your hub!
Shannon KingJuly 12, 2020
Tuesday 21st - Friday 24th July
Caroline MartinJuly 3, 2020
On Friday 31 July we will be holding a plastic toy swap in the hall. Over the holidays students can clear out any unwanted toys, bring them to school
Liz BrashJuly 2, 2020
Review of the week and the end of a long Term 2.
Claire BraithwaiteJune 30, 2020
Congratulations to all our students who completed the 8 week challenge.
Shannon KingJune 23, 2020
Check out what's been happening
Liz BrashJune 26, 2020
Check out what's happening in Week 12
Liz BrashJune 19, 2020
Samantha DoigJune 19, 2020
Monday 22nd- Friday 26th June
Caroline MartinJune 9, 2020
It has been an exciting week for us as we compete in the Virtual International Community Problem Solving Competition being hosted in Massachusetts,
Samantha DoigJune 11, 2020
Shannon KingJune 8, 2020
Monday 15th - Friday 19th June
Liz BrashJune 4, 2020
Check out what's happening in Hub 2 Week 9.
Shannon KingJune 2, 2020
Liz BrashMay 29, 2020
Check out what's happening next week
Week 7 in Review
Karen MackieMay 26, 2020
On Friday your child will bring home their Student Profile Sheet, please check their bags.
Samantha DoigMay 24, 2020
Samantha DoigMay 21, 2020
Shannon KingMay 20, 2020
Monday the 25th - Friday the 29th May
Margaret TrotterMay 20, 2020
It has been great to see our students return this week. Their smiling faces and excitement has been great to see.
Shannon KingMay 15, 2020
Please read this information carefully before returning to school on Monday 18th May.
Jenny WalkerMay 15, 2020
If you are coming onsite to Oaklands School there will be QR codes for you to scan with your cell phone at each entrance and if you go into any
Liz BrashMay 8, 2020
Claire BraithwaiteMay 7, 2020
Maths-Whizz and Oaklands School have created an 8 Week challenge for our students.
Shannon KingApril 30, 2020
Monday 4th - Friday 8th May
Samantha DoigApril 23, 2020
Wednesday 29th April - Friday 1st May
Shannon KingApril 17, 2020
Monday 20th April - Friday 24th April
Shannon KingApril 14, 2020
Here is information on how learning will look for this week.
Liz BrashMarch 24, 2020
Please find some information to help your online learning.
Term 2 Week 1 - Wednesday the15th April
Liz BrashMarch 20, 2020
Check out what's happening next week in Hub 2.
Shannon KingMarch 19, 2020
Samantha DoigMarch 13, 2020
Grant FormanMarch 12, 2020
A resounding success last year, we are eagerly awaiting the 2020 version of this very popular event.
Shannon KingMarch 13, 2020
Shannon KingMarch 12, 2020
The PTA are excited to share with you our delicious fundraiser partnering with local Original Foods Baking Co.
Claire BraithwaiteMarch 10, 2020
Have you signed up with the Maths-Whizz Parent Portal to share your child's learning journey?
Samantha DoigMarch 6, 2020
Shannon KingMarch 3, 2020
Liz BrashFebruary 27, 2020
Week 4 in Review.
Shannon KingFebruary 29, 2020
Samantha DoigFebruary 19, 2020
Samantha DoigFebruary 20, 2020
Shannon KingFebruary 12, 2020
Shannon KingFebruary 11, 2020
Liz BrashFebruary 10, 2020
Hub 2 Week 2
Shannon KingFebruary 6, 2020
Thank you for coming along to our Community Evening on Tuesday night!
Liz BrashJanuary 31, 2020
Miss Doig, Mrs King and Mrs Griffiths - (Miss Brash) have spent this week planning and preparing our new learning space to welcome back our learners
karen van gelder-horganDecember 11, 2019
karen van gelder-horganDecember 12, 2019
Emily MacfarlaneDecember 5, 2019
Elshke ChadinhaNovember 27, 2019
Elshke ChadinhaNovember 25, 2019
Shannon KingNovember 21, 2019
Alex HORNNovember 21, 2019
karen van gelder-horganNovember 13, 2019
Claire BraithwaiteNovember 11, 2019
Here's what is new from Maths-Whizz!
Emily MacfarlaneNovember 7, 2019
Elshke ChadinhaNovember 1, 2019
Alex HORNOctober 24, 2019
Alex HORNSeptember 26, 2019
A look back at the week that was!
karen van gelder-horganOctober 17, 2019
karen van gelder-horganSeptember 23, 2019
Ann EasterOctober 15, 2019
We are fortunate to have School Based Mental Health Services coming in on the 22nd October at 6pm to speak to our parents and anyone else who might
karen van gelder-horganSeptember 18, 2019
karen van gelder-horganSeptember 19, 2019
Emily MacfarlaneSeptember 13, 2019
Emily MacfarlaneSeptember 11, 2019
Elshke ChadinhaSeptember 5, 2019
Alex HORNAugust 30, 2019
Elshke ChadinhaAugust 30, 2019
karen van gelder-horganAugust 22, 2019
Emily MacfarlaneAugust 16, 2019
Emily MacfarlaneAugust 15, 2019
Karen MackieAugust 13, 2019
Monday 19th (am only), Tuesday 20th and Wednesday 21st August.
Claire BraithwaiteAugust 9, 2019
It's Maths Week!
Elshke ChadinhaAugust 9, 2019
Claire BraithwaiteAugust 6, 2019
Tuesday 13th August at 6.30pm in the school hall. Proudly sponsored by the Oaklands PTA.
Alex HORNAugust 2, 2019
Here's what's happening next week in Hub 2!
Caroline MartinJuly 31, 2019
Every two years schools across New Zealand are required under the Education Act to consult with their school community about the delivery of Health
karen van gelder-horganJuly 25, 2019
Claire BraithwaiteJuly 23, 2019
Elshke ChadinhaJuly 5, 2019
Forget "just surviving" the holidays - here are some ideas to help you and your family and whānau have fun and “thrive"!
Alex HORNJuly 3, 2019
We did a lot in Term 2, here are some of the things we did and what we had to say about them!
Elshke ChadinhaJune 26, 2019
This week the tamariki were all involved in different activities to learning more about the Maori New Year and what Matariki really means for us.
karen van gelder-horganJune 20, 2019
Alex HORNJune 15, 2019
Emily MacfarlaneJune 6, 2019
Elshke ChadinhaMay 29, 2019
Time flies when you are having fun :)
Elshke ChadinhaMay 24, 2019
Caroline MartinMay 23, 2019
From Tuesday 4 June to Friday 7 June we are holding a rubbish free lunch challenge for the whole school.
karen van gelder-horganMay 23, 2019
karen van gelder-horganMay 21, 2019
Elshke ChadinhaMay 20, 2019
Alex HORNMay 17, 2019
Emily MacfarlaneMay 9, 2019
Elshke ChadinhaMay 2, 2019
Please see the letter attached below regarding the upcoming paid union meetings on Tuesday 7th May. If you are able to collect your child/ren at
karen van gelder-horganApril 11, 2019
karen van gelder-horganApril 9, 2019
Hub 2 have had a busy, fun term in Hub 2! The highlights have been:
Alex HORNApril 5, 2019
A look back at the ninth week of the first term.
Claire BraithwaiteApril 4, 2019
Exciting changes to Maths-Whizz have been released this week.
Emily MacfarlaneMarch 29, 2019
Emily MacfarlaneMarch 25, 2019
Caroline MartinMarch 19, 2019
Students across the school are learning about personal safety through the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme developed by the NZ Police.
Elshke ChadinhaMarch 18, 2019
karen van gelder-horganMarch 14, 2019
Alex HORNMarch 7, 2019
Here's what happened this week!
Joanne CaseyMarch 5, 2019
At Oaklands, we are lucky to have over 100 ESOL students who receive extra support in the classroom.
Claire BraithwaiteFebruary 27, 2019
Have you logged into your Parent Dashboard yet?
Emily MacfarlaneFebruary 25, 2019
Karen MackieFebruary 21, 2021
Keeping Ourselves Safe enables children and young people to learn and apply a range of safety skills that they can use when interacting with others.
Elshke ChadinhaFebruary 24, 2019
Elshke ChadinhaFebruary 20, 2019
Joanne CaseyFebruary 19, 2019
This year Multicultural week is in week 7 of term 1.
Elshke ChadinhaFebruary 19, 2019
karen van gelder-horganFebruary 14, 2019
Alex HORNFebruary 8, 2019
A look back at the first week of the school year.
Alex HORNFebruary 2, 2019
A schedule of what's happening in class and events to remember for Term 1, Week 1.
Alex HORNNovember 29, 2018
Caroline MartinNovember 27, 2018
CARE Nominations for 2018 are closed and we are very excited to be handing out the last of our CARE awards for the year over the next two Mondays.
Alex HORNNovember 22, 2018
A look back at the week that was.
Caroline MartinNovember 20, 2018
We would like to invite parents/whanau to take part in the attached independent survey to contribute to our Board of Trustees strategic planning.
Alex HORNNovember 19, 2018
Last week the Year 2s were lucky enough to go to the A&P Show, the sun came too, which made the day hot but a lot of fun.
Rebecca PilbroughNovember 11, 2018
This athletics event will be held on Friday 23rd November at 1.25 until 3.00pm.
Alex HORNNovember 9, 2018
Chantelle RakichNovember 6, 2018
Oaklands School has connected with the Christchurch City Council and other schools in our cluster to form an exciting new cultural extravaganza!
Alex HORNNovember 3, 2018
A wet and windy week!
Trish PattenOctober 30, 2018
Our Heroes Literacy Week is next week. Are you ready for some fun, learning and competitions?
Alex HORNOctober 25, 2018
A look back at a short second week.
Alex HORNOctober 18, 2018
What happened on the first week of Term 4?
Alex HORNOctober 13, 2018
A few things to think about for the coming term, and some photos from the end of last term.
Alex HORNSeptember 21, 2018
Terrible News!
Alex HORNSeptember 20, 2018
Alex HORNSeptember 17, 2018
In the Year 2 Blue hub this term we are learning about geometry. We have been learning about different kinds of shapes, specifically 3D shapes (such
Alex HORNSeptember 15, 2018
A short but full week with the Teacher Only Day
Alex HORNSeptember 2, 2018
What happened this week? A lot!
Mark SyAugust 28, 2018
Wow! There's a lot of talent at Oaklands School.
Alex HORNAugust 26, 2018
Alex HORNAugust 22, 2018
We have been doing a lot of learning about science and scientific principles, here are some of the science experiments we have been doing!
Alex HORNAugust 18, 2018
It may have been a short week, but we still learned a lot!
Alex HORNAugust 9, 2018
What happened in this, the third week of the third term!
Alex HORNAugust 5, 2018
What happened in the week that was? A lot!
Alex HORNJuly 27, 2018
A look back at the first week of the third term.
Alex HORNJuly 21, 2018
Alex HORNJuly 6, 2018
The End of Term 2
Alex HORNJune 29, 2018
A look back at the second to last week of the term.
Alex HORNJune 24, 2018
Paul MorehuJune 21, 2018
Have a sneak peek at some of the things that have been happening this week in our hub.
Paul MorehuJune 13, 2018
These are just some of the things that we have been doing this week.
Caroline MartinJune 12, 2018
This term each hub has been engaged in learning about our environment and how we can help to create environments where plants and animals thrive. We
Paul MorehuJune 7, 2018
Have a look at some of the things that have been happening in our hub this week
Paul MorehuMay 31, 2018
Have a look at what has been happening this week in our hub
Paul MorehuMay 22, 2018
Here are some of the things that have been happening this week in our hub as well as some photos from earlier in the year you may have missed.
Rebecca PilbroughMay 21, 2018
Put the date in your diary - Thursday 21 June at 1.30pm. More details to follow.....
Alex HORNMay 18, 2018
A look back at the third week of term 2.
Alex HORNMay 11, 2018
A look back over the week that was.
Mark SyMay 11, 2018
Here is a treat from us to you.
Alex HORNMay 4, 2018
A look back at the first week of Term 2.
Alex HORNApril 25, 2018
A few notes about the upcoming Term.
Alex HORNApril 5, 2018
On Wednesday the 28th of March we had our Multicultural celebration day.
Two short weeks added up to a single week of awesome learning.
Alex HORNMarch 23, 2018
What did we get up to this week?
Alex HORNMarch 16, 2018
Alex HORNMarch 15, 2018
A catch up on the happenings of the seventh week of term 1.
Alex HORNMarch 9, 2018
A look back at the sixth week of the term
Alex HORNMarch 2, 2018
A look back at the fifth week or the first term.
Alex HORNFebruary 23, 2018
A look back at the fourth week of the term.
Catherine CorcoranFebruary 21, 2018
Tuesday 27 February
Alex HORNFebruary 16, 2018
The ins and outs of the third week of term 1.
Alex HORNFebruary 9, 2018
The ins and outs of the second week of the school year.
Alex HORNFebruary 2, 2018
Alex HORNFebruary 1, 2018
Goal Setting meetings are on Monday and Tuesday evening of Week 3 (the 12th and 13th)!
A look back at the ins and outs of our first week in Year 2.
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